Tuesday, November 25, 2008

A loving caregiver sings
a sweet lullaby to
baby fuzzy thing.
Black ink,
Prismacolor pencils
and acrylic wash
on fabriano watercolor paper
4.5" x 6.7"
For sale at etsy $200 SOLD

Monday, November 17, 2008

Black ink,Prismacolor pencils
and acrylic wash
on fabriano watercolor paper
4.5" x 6.7"
For sale at etsy $200

4.375"x 2.625" x 1"
carved lil' bit' o basswood with acrylic paint and varnish.
Available on etsy for $150.


Friday, October 03, 2008

If you are a visitor in search of ojimbo art stuff check out my flickr album.
I post to flickr regularly unlike my poor blog here.
The best I can do is to periodically post some images and try to communicate via flickrmail.

This is a recent ink drawing with prismacolor pencils, on 9"x 10" bristol.